Sunday 27 December 2009

Its christmas time (no need to be afraid) p.1

**grinds invisible cigarette butt into floor whilst looking sheepish**

Well, um. What can say? So much for my 'intractable loquacity'... Sorry dear children, I promise I will not abandon you again without Good Reason. On this occasion, it was simply the infernal drudge machine that sucked me up into its grinding corrugated iron air vents. Term had started, in other words, and I had stuff to do, much of it related to sorting out my fieldwork clearance. Forms and forms and more forms. A many-headed hydra of bureaucracy. It took me the full twelve weeks before it was all sorted. It has now been sorted, please return to your stations.

So yes, Sierra Leone, impending, looming, approaching stealthily and without relent. 6 months is a looong time. What am I going to do? Apart from the learning of Krio, meeting of people, swallowing-down-without-chewing of fufu, popping of malaria pills, dodging of traffic, avoiding of being mugged, assorted friend-accompanied out-hanging and spontaneous note-taking... apart from all that I'll be keeping another blog, a new one, to keep myself sane and others informed and entertained. I'm leaving at the end of next month. Details will appear in the forthcoming weeks.